Interactive explorations of Thurston's Riemann-mapping conjecture

circle packing resolution:
click and drag to draw.

What is this?

Riemann’s mapping theorem states the following. Suppose UU is a non-empty, proper open subset of C and that UU is simply-connected, and let z0,z1Uz₀,z₁∈U. Then there exists a unique biholomorphism ϕ ⁣:U𝔻ϕ\colon U→𝔻 (where 𝔻𝔻 is the unit disk), with the property that ϕ(z0)=0ϕ(z₀)=0, and ϕ(z1)ϕ(z₁) lands on the positive-real axis.

Thurston’s conjecture (also sometimes known as the discrete/finite Riemann mapping theorem) provides an insightful (and pretty!) construction/visualization of the Riemann mapping theorem, proceeding roughly as follows:

  1. Given a (bounded) domain UU, approximately triangulate UU via a hexagonal circle-packing of radius ϵϵ.

  2. Carefully resize each circle to obtain a new packing with the same tangency structure that fits “maximally” within the unit disk; i.e., boundary circles end up tangent to the boundary of the disk. This results in a mapping from circles in the original domain UU to circles in 𝔻𝔻.

  3. Map each triangle in UU (as defined by the centers of three mutually-tangent circles) to the corresponding triangle in 𝔻𝔻 by a (uniquely-determined) affine map; gluing each piece together gives a map defined on the full triangulation.

  4. Apply a (Möbius) disk automorphism to send the image of z0z₀ to 00, and rotate the image of z1z₁ onto the real axis.

  5. As ϵϵ tends to zero, the map constructed in this manner gradually tends to the Riemann map from UU to 𝔻𝔻.

What is this app?

This app is an interactive demonstration of Thurston’s conjecture. Here’s how it works: